Alexander Bleier

Associate Professor of MarketingAssociate Professor für Marketing

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Alexander Bleier is Associate Professor of Marketing at the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. Prior to joining the Frankfurt School in July 2018, he was a faculty member at Boston College. Alex received his Ph.D. from the University of Cologne. Before entering academia, he gained practical experience with two top-management consultancies and a major retail and banking system provider in Germany as well as the German-Argentine Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Alex’s primary research interests lie at the intersection of digital marketing, customer relationship management, and consumer decision-making. A particular focus concerns the investigation of marketing communication and personalization strategies. His work has appeared in leading academic and practitioner journals such as Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Harvard Business Review, and Harvard Business Manager.

Alexander Bleier ist Associate Professor für Marketing an der Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. Bevor er im Juli 2018 an die Frankfurt School kam, war er Assistant Professor am Boston College. Seinen Ph.D. absolvierte Alex an der Universität zu Köln. Zuvor sammelte er bei zwei internationalen Topmanagement Beratungen und einem führenden Retail- und Banking-Systems Anbieter in Deutschland sowie der Deutsch-Argentinischen Industrie- und Handelskammer in Buenos Aires, Argentinien, praktische Erfahrungen.

Alex‘ primäre Forschungsinteressensgebiete liegen an der Schnittstelle von digitalem Marketing, Kundenmanagement und Konsumentenentscheidungsverhalten. Einen besonderen Schwerpunkt bildet die Untersuchung von marketinggetriebenen Kommunikations- und Personalisierungsstrategien. Seine Forschung wurde in führenden wissenschaftlich- und praxisorientierten Zeitschriften wie etwa Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Harvard Business Review und Harvard Business Manager veröffentlicht.


Journal Articles

  • On the Role of Social Media Platforms in the Creator Economy
    Alexander Bleier, Beth L. Fossen, and Michal Shapira
    International Journal of Research in Marketing (2024)
    [Journal, open access]
  • The Cold Start Problem in Nascent AI Strategy: Kickstarting Network Effects
    Arnd Vomberg, Nico Schauerte, Sebastian Krakowski, Claire Ingram Bogusz, Maarten J. Gijsenberg, and Alexander Bleier
    Journal of Business Research (2023)
    [Journal, open access]
  • Finding Goldilocks Influencers: How Follower Count Drives Social Media Engagement
    Simone Wies, Alexander Bleier, and Alexander Edeling
    Journal of Marketing (2023)
    [Journal, open access]
    • VHB Marketing Section Best Paper Award 2024
    • AMA/Marketing Science Institute/H. Paul Root Award 2023
  • Software Multihoming to Distal Markets: Evidence of Cannibalization and Complementarity in the Video Game Console Industry
    Nico Wiegand, Yuri Peers, and Alexander Bleier
    Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (2023)
    [Journal, open access]
  • Online Program Engagement and Viewer Retention during Television Ads
    Beth L. Fossen and Alexander Bleier
    Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (2021)
    [Journal, open access]
  • Privacy Concerns and the Future of Data-Based Innovation and Marketing
    Alexander Bleier, Avi Goldfarb, and Catherine Tucker
    International Journal of Research in Marketing (2020)
    [Journal] [SSRN]
  • Company Worth Keeping: Personal Control and Preferences for Brand Leaders
    Joshua T. Beck, Ryan Rahinel, and Alexander Bleier
    Journal of Consumer Research (2020)
  • Improving Customer Profit Predictions with Customer Mindset Metrics Through Multiple Overimputation
    Rajkumar Venkatesan, Alexander Bleier, Werner Reinartz, and Nalini Ravishanker
    Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (2019)
    • Lead Article
  • Creating Effective Online Customer Experiences
    Alexander Bleier, Colleen M. Harmeling, and Robert W. Palmatier
    Journal of Marketing (2019)
    • Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Award Finalist 2024
    • MSI/H. Paul Root Award Finalist 2019
    • VHB Best Paper Award Finalist 2020
  • Personalized Online Advertising Effectiveness: The Interplay of What, When, and Where
    Alexander Bleier and Maik Eisenbeiss
    Marketing Science (2015)
    • 7th most cited article published in Marketing Science between 2014-2018
    • Finalist VHB Best Paper Award 2015
  • The Importance of Trust for Personalized Online Advertising
    Alexander Bleier and Maik Eisenbeiss
    Journal of Retailing (2015)
    • 12th most cited article published in Journal of Retailing between 2014-2018

Book Chapters

  • Customer Engagement through Personalization and Customization
    Alexander Bleier, Arne de Keyser, and Katrien Verleye
    In: Customer Engagement Marketing (2018), Robert W. Palmatier, V. Kumar, and Colleen M. Harmeling (eds.), London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan
  • CRM im Handel–Bestimmungsfaktoren und Grundlagen
    Maik Eisenbeiss and Alexander Bleier
    In: Handbuch Handel (2013), Joachim Zentes, Bernhard Swoboda, Dirk Morschett, and Hanna Schramm-Klein (eds.), 2nd Edition, Wiesbaden: Gabler

Other Publications

  • Reclaiming Competitive Advantage with Web Design
    Alexander Bleier, Colleen M. Harmeling, and Robert W. Palmatier
    Keller Center Research Report (2020)
  • How to Design Product Pages that Increase Online Sales
    Colleen M. Harmeling, Alexander Bleier, and Robert W. Palmatier
    Harvard Business Review, online (2019)
  • How Firms Can Shape the Customer Experience for Greater Success in Online Retailing
    Alexander Bleier, Colleen M. Harmeling, and Robert W. Palmatier
    Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Working Paper Series (2017)
  • Lieber nicht zu persönlich werden
    Maik Eisenbeiss and Alexander Bleier
    Harvard Business Manager (2017)

Working Papers

  • On the Viability of Contextual Advertising as a Privacy-Preserving Alternative to Behavioral Advertising on the Web
    Alexander Bleier


Case Studies

  • VaycayNation: Driving Website Traffic through Second-Screen Analytics
    Maik Eisenbeiss and Alexander Bleier
    [Ivey Publishing] [HBR Store]


Managerial Data Science

This course introduces students to the basic concepts of descriptive statistics, distributions, hypothesis testing, linear regression, and machine learning.

Master in Management

Managerial Data Science

This course introduces students to the basic concepts of descriptive and predictive linear and logistic regression.

Full-time and part-time MBA

Marketing Analytics

This course introduces students to advanced concepts of linear regression as well as basic concepts of logistic regression, cluster analysis, conjoint analysis, and forecasting.

Master in Management

Market Research

This course introduces students to basic concepts of descriptive and predictive linear regression, logistic regression, cluster analysis, conjoint analysis, and forecasting.

Bachelor of Science

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